Women’s March in London: TIME’S UP!

The Women’s March was revamped this year under the motto that Oprah Winfrey and many more female celebrities in the Hollywood film & entertainment industry popularised recently to tackle the issue of sexual harassment and abuse in the workplace: TIME’S UP!

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Spanish nationalists protest for “peace, unity and common sense”

A week after the Catalan Referendum on October 1st, Spanish nationalists in London were calling to ‘bring back the common sense’ (#RecuperemElSeny).

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“STOP repression in Catalonia!”

On Tuesday, the 10 Downing Street (London) was the location for a protest against police repression and to defend people’s right to choose in Catalonia, after the attempt to celebrate a referendum last Sunday.

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London protest in support of the Catalan Referendum

Catalan expats organised a demonstration in support of the independence of Catalonia and against the police brutality lived during the referendum for independence.

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Pride in London: “Our struggle is (NOT) an advertising opportunity!”

In the Pride Parade in London, last Saturday, July 8th 2017, associations and advocacy groups for the LGBTQ+ community marched along the biggest corporations and any major brand in the UK.

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Protest against Donald Trump and his executive order on immigration

On February 4th, 2017, London’s Downing Street, where the official residence and office for the British Prime Minister Theresa May is, was the location chosen by human rights and political activists to end a protest that started at U.S. Embassy in Grosvenor Square.

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Aleida Guevara, hija del Che Guevara, en la defensa de Cuba

¿Qué hace Aleida Guevara, pediatra y líder de la revolución cubana además de la mayor de los cuatro hijos del ícono político Ernesto Che Guevara, en una pequeña ciudad de Canadá?

Guevara ha sido una de las invitadas de la organización Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba (VCSC) – que lucha, desde Canadá, por la defensa de la revolución cubana – para unas conferencias que anualmente celebran entorno a la figura del Che.

El viernes, sábado y domingo se celebraron en Vancouver y ayer, lunes 5 de noviembre, viajaron hasta una de las aulas de la universidad Thompson Rivers University (TRU), en una pequeña ciudad de la que posiblemente no habéis oído hablar antes: Kamloops.

Además del superficial atractivo de conocer a la hija de uno de los iconos del siglo XX, la conferencia, bajo el título de Cuba’s Economic Reforms: Capitalism or Socialism?, buscaba exponer y debatir el modelo socioeconómico socialista en Cuba frente al capitalismo imperante en el primer mundo.

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